Managing Your Finances During Difficult Times Is Not Easy
During these unprecedented times, many people are facing unthinkable circumstances. Financial issues can cause a tremendous amount of stress in anyone’s life. Throw a pandemic in the mix and it can feel like there is no end in sight. BDJ Express Law can help. We have worked with clients throughout Utah who are considering bankruptcy due to COVID-19.
Bankruptcy May Be An Option
Unfortunately, many people have lost their jobs as a result of the virus. With a loss of income, it becomes impossible to pay your bills. Even though the government provided a stimulus check for certain households, it wasn’t necessarily enough to cover all of your expenses. For some, filing for bankruptcy may be in their best interest. There are many different forms of bankruptcy, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, and we can help you decide what will move you forward.
Dealing with your own personal finances can be hard enough. Small-business owners are facing even more complicated issues. Chapter 11 bankruptcy may be an option for those who are having difficulties maintaining their business. We have successfully reorganized businesses of all sizes. If you have a smaller business, we are prepared to help you with a case filed under Chapter 11, subchapter 5 (newly implemented by Congress).
Call Today To Learn More
With 26 years of experience, our firm has helped clients from all walks of life. To schedule a consultation, call 801-658-6901 today. You can also fill out our contact form online. We have offices in Ogden and Riverton.