It’s easy to slip into hopeless and despair when you’re dealing with overwhelming debt. Creditors can start to harass you, you may be forced to pick which bills to pay and you may wind up subjected to repossession and foreclosure. All of this stress can leave you...
Real Solutions
Will you be left with nothing after bankruptcy?
Millions of Americans struggle to get a handle on their debt obligations. Housing costs, utilities, student loans, car loans, and credit card debt can quickly consume you, leaving you with very little, if anything, after you pay off your bills. If you’re like many,...
New report finds 2023 may be record year for bankruptcy filings.
Thinking of filing for bankruptcy in 2023? If so, then you are not alone. Individual rates continue to rise, and corporate bankruptcy filings are on track to reach the highest rate in over ten years. Individual petitions for relief from bankruptcy are also going up...
Erasing student loans through bankruptcy may become easier
Due to the nationwide health and economic crisis that began in 2020, the current administration suspended student loan payments for borrowers already overburdened by medical debt, job loss, inflation and other financial difficulties. While the suspension allowed many...
How bankruptcy protects people
Personal bankruptcy itself is an important protection for anyone facing overwhelming debt and the stress associated with it. If you are struggling with debt and are considering ways to enjoy a fresh financial start, bankruptcy and its protections may be an option. The...
Three options for dealing with unmanageable credit card debt
You may have initially set up a credit card to use only in emergencies or to take advantage of rewards. You had the best intentions to pay off the balance every month. However, life does not always operate as planned and as the years go by you may find your credit...
Medical debt spike needs solutions with bankruptcy an option
In Utah and throughout the United States, people can find themselves facing financial challenges for a litany of reasons. That may include medical expenses, job loss, overspending on credit cards and more. Since the early part of 2020, unforeseen circumstances with...
What are the differences between Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy?
It is fairly common for people in Utah to have some kinds of debt. People may own a home and have a mortgage, they also may have car loans, credit card debt, have personal loans, medical bills and other forms of debt. When people are working and able to make the...
Three misconceptions about filing for bankruptcy
Maybe you’ve come across a medical emergency that has caused you debt or your recent unemployment has caused your credit card statements to pile up. In either case, filing for bankruptcy may offer a sense of relief. When you are hoping to keep creditors at bay or...
Filing Bankruptcy West Jordan: 5 Questions To Ask Your Bankruptcy Lawyer
It is probably safe to say that everyone will have some sort of financial problems at one point in their lives. Filing for bankruptcy is probably the most stressful financial situation anyone could go through. Most financial problems people experience do not compare...